Register vCenter server with vSphere Web Client using the command line

Open up your command line interface of choice and navigate to the vSphere Web client scripts directory which is located in the install directory where it was installed. For example:


Once there execute:

Admin-cmd.bat register <vsphere-web-client-url> <vcenter-server-url> user password
(ex. Admin-cmd.bat register https://MyNewVcenter:9443/vsphere-client https://MyNewVcenter AdminUser AdminPW123)

You will then need to take action on the untrusted certificate prompt:


It will notify you of a successful completion. If you run the “admin-cmd” by itself it will output some help.

One thought on “Register vCenter server with vSphere Web Client using the command line

  1. Thanks alot for this post. I was trying to do this using command line earlier before reading what the exact syntax is according to this post. Sometimes this freaks out because it doesn’t know how to parse the username and password. You can run it and skip entering the vCenter username and password and let it prompt you.

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